
Ramen Kid 馃崪

Website for a local business where the client can modify most of the contents embedded on the webpage and manage subscriptions. Had a full ownership of the website from design decisions to building REST APIs

#React 路 #Node.js 路 #Express.js 路 #MongoDB 路 #AWS 路 #EC2 路 #Restaurant

Game Code Share 馃暪

Provides convenient web interface where users can easily share their game codes and chat with other players. Took advantage of server side rendering with Next.js and for implementing chat feature

#Next.js 路 路 #React 路 #Node.js 路 #Express.js 路 #MongoDB


Open source blog starter pack that allows users to creat blog posts using markdown or React components. Highly focused on building simple & user friendly design and performance

#Gatsby.js 路 #GraphQL 路 #React